Diet Plan

Muscle Gain Meal Plan – 9 Crucial Foods To Eat & Avoid

muscle gain meal plan

This article explains the best muscle gain meal plan for 7 days so you don’t get sick and tired of eating the same thing everyday, Although some bodybuilders stick to the same diet and foods on daily basis.

According to research, As we age it becomes more difficult to gain and keep muscle. In actuality, most of us begin to lose muscle around the age of 30. People who are physically inactive are particularly at danger and may lose between 3 and 8 percent of their lean muscle mass per decade after that. Lower levels of estrogen and testosterone, two chemicals that support muscle growth, are to blame for this in both men and women. (1)

In order to start a clean muscle gain meal plan and not to gain excessive body fat, first you need to know how much calories your body burns in a day simply but not doing anything. You may follow the formula below to calculate your BMR.

How To Calculate BMR?

Calculating your basal metabolic rate is easy. All you need to measure is your weight and height, although your age and sex also come into play. The calculators for both sexes are as follows:

  • For men: BMR = 66.5 + (13.75 * weight in kg) + (5.003 * height in cm) - (6.75 * age)
  • For women: BMR = 655.1 + (9.563 * weight in kg) + (1.850 * height in cm) - (4.676 * age)

How much should I eat a day to gain muscle

How much should I eat a day to gain muscle?

It is best to have calorie surpass of 200-400 more than your BMR to gain lean muscle slowly. Anything more than that will result in gaining body fat. (2)

1. role of protein in muscle gain

Protein is essential part in muscle gain meal plan for muscular growth, however not excessive consumption as it contains calorie as well . For adults, 10–35% of total calories should come from protein. Your demands may be on the higher end of this range as you engage in physical exercise to gain muscle. Maintaining muscle mass takes less protein than growing new muscle.

To help you achieve that target, aim for 3 servings of low-fat or fat-free dairy and 3 ounce equivalents of protein rich meals per day (such as fish, beans, chicken, or lean meat). While grains, particularly whole grains, do contain some protein, they often fall short of meeting a person’s needs for protein on their own.

2. role of carbohydrate in muscle gain

Another crucial muscle gain meal plan dietary category for supplying your muscles with fuel is carbohydrates. This is due to the fact that carbohydrates are partially converted to glycogen, a type of energy that is stored in muscles. Your workouts will be powered by this energy. Both men and women require roughly half of their daily calories to come from carbohydrates. Consider concentrating on high-quality carbs that contain dietary fiber, like whole-grain cereals and breads.

Milk and yoghurt are two examples of dairy products that are high in carbs. To reduce sources of saturated fat, select dairy products that are low-fat or fat-free. Choosing fruits and vegetables is also a good idea. You may want to avoid eating foods high in dietary fiber right before or during physical exercise when planning your meals and snacks.

3. Role of fat in muscle gain

During some types of activity, your body uses fat to fuel your muscles. Each person has different needs for fat. Generally speaking, 20 to 35 percent of your total calories should come from fat. Focus on heart-healthy fats, such as avocados and vegetable oils like canola and olive oil, for overall health and muscle power. In addition to being excellent sources of protein, nuts and fatty fish like salmon, herring, sardines, and trout also include healthy fats to be part of a muscle gain meal plan.

Recommended dose of macronutrient for bodybuilding

Recommended dose of macronutrient for bodybuilding

  • 30–35% of your calories from protein
  • 55–60% of your calories from carbs
  • 15–20% of your calories from fat

Here’s an example of the ratio for both a bulking and cutting phase:

Bulking phaseCutting phase
Protein (grams)259–302191–223
Carbs (grams)474–518351–383
Fat (grams)58–7743–57
Just a guideline based of research (3)
Foods to eat and avoid

Foods to eat and avoid

Foods To Eat:

  • Meats, poultry and fish: Sirloin steak, ground beef, pork tenderloin, venison, chicken breast, salmon, tilapia and cod.
  • Dairy: Yogurt, cottage cheese, low-fat milk and cheese.
  • Grains: Bread, cereal, crackers, oatmeal, quinoa, popcorn and rice.
  • Fruits: Oranges, apples, bananas, grapes, pears, peaches, watermelon and berries.
  • Starchy vegetables: Potatoes, corn, green peas, green lima beans.
  • Vegetables: Broccoli, spinach, leafy salad greens, tomatoes, green beans, cucumber, zucchini, asparagus, peppers and mushrooms.
  • Seeds and nuts: Almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, chia seeds and flax seeds.
  • Beans and legumes: Chickpeas, lentils, kidney beans, black beans and pinto beans.
  • Oils: Olive oil, flaxseed oil and avocado oil.

Foods To Avoid:

  • Alcohol: Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol might have a negative impact on your performance to gain muscle and shed fat.
  • Added Sugar: These are high in calories but low in nutrients. Candy, cookies, doughnuts, ice cream, cake, and sugar-sweetened beverages, such as soda and sports drinks, are examples of foods high in added sugars.
  • Deep Fried Foods: When ingested in excess, these foods may encourage inflammation and disease. Fried fish, French fries, onion rings, chicken strips, and cheese curds are a few examples.
  • High-fat Foods: include fatty meats, foods with butter, and dishes with thick sauces or creams.
7 day meal plan for lean muscle gain

7 day meal plan for lean muscle gain

This 7 day muscle gain diet plan is high in protein to help you build muscle and is balanced with the necessary nutrients to help you lose weight. The more closely you can adhere to your meal plan, the better, but if you find yourself unable to prepare a specific meal, you can substitute another meal from the same week that is served at the same time of day. Don’t worry if you miss a meal, just stick to your plan. (4)


Breakfast3 scrambled eggs, 3 rashers of grilled lean smoked bacon, a large handful of spinach and 1 slice of lightly buttered wholemeal toast. ½ a grapefruit.
SnackProtein shake with 30g whey protein powder and 200ml semi-skimmed milk. 1 small banana.
LunchTuna mayonnaise sandwich. Mix one 150g can of tuna with 2tbsp of low-fat mayonnaise and serve on two slices of whole meal bread. 3 salt and vinegar rice cakes. 1 orange.
Snack25g brazil nuts.
DinnerPaprika grilled chicken and vegetables. Chop some pepper and onion and place them in a bowl. Add 1tbsp rapeseed oil, 1tsp paprika, salt and pepper, and mix together. Pour the mixture over 300g sliced chicken breast on a baking tray. Meanwhile, lightly steam some broccoli then set aside. Grill the chicken and veg for 5-7 minutes then add the broccoli and grill for a further 5-7 minutes. Serve with 200g lightly buttered new potatoes.
Snack30g whey protein powder mixed with 100g low-fat Greek yogurt and 1 small sliced frozen banana.

Calories 2,510 Protein 242g Carbs 197g Fat 86g


BreakfastMushroom, cheese and onion omelette made with 4 eggs and sautéed mushrooms, onion and 30g cheddar cheese. 1 slice of lightly buttered wholemeal toast.
Snack1 apple and 30g peanut butter.
LunchBLT sandwich. Grill 3 rashers of lean smoked bacon and place them between 2 slices of wholemeal bread with sliced tomato, lettuce and low-fat mayonnaise. 1 orange.
Snack50g beef jerky.
DinnerGrilled salmon and vegetables. Slice some pepper and courgette and halve some cherry tomatoes and place them in a bowl. Add 1tbsp of rapeseed oil, a splash of soy sauce, ½tsp of ground ginger and salt and pepper. Mix together then spread over a salmon fillet on a baking tray. Grill for 10-12 minutes and serve with 75g brown rice.
Snack30g whey protein powder mixed with 150g low-fat Greek yogurt and 100g frozen berries.

Calories 2,345 Protein 167g Carbs 187g Fat 103g


BreakfastHam and cheese omelets made with 4 eggs, 50g ham and 20g cheddar cheese, served with a large handful of spinach, a handful of tomatoes and 1 slice of lightly buttered wholemeal toast.
SnackProtein shake with 30g whey protein powder and 200ml semi-skimmed milk. 1 small banana.
LunchSalmon and avocado salad. Mix together 1 flaked salmon fillet,½ a sliced avocado, cherry tomatoes, salad leaves, 10g pine nuts, 10g rapeseed oil, a generous squeeze of lemon and salt and pepper.
Snack25g almonds.
DinnerHoney and mustard chicken. Cut 250g of chicken into slices and add it to a bowl with 1tbsp honey and 1tsp mustard. Season with salt and pepper and mix. In another bowl, chop some courgette, pepper and onion, add 1tbsp rapeseed oil, salt and pepper, mix and spread it over a baking tray. Add the chicken to the tray and grill for 5-7 minutes before turning the chicken. Cook for a further 5 minutes and serve with 75g brown rice.
Snack30g whey protein powder mixed with 150g low-fat Greek yogurt and 1 handful of frozen grapes.

Calories 2,515 Protein 223g Carbs 194g Fat 92g


Breakfast3 scrambled eggs and 70g smoked salmon with a handful of cherry tomatoes, a large handful of spinach and sliced red pepper. 25g brazil nuts.
SnackProtein shake with 30g whey protein powder and 200ml semi-skimmed milk. 1 small banana.
LunchChicken (approx 200g), avocado and tomato sandwich on wholemeal bread. 3 salt and vinegar rice cakes.
Snack50g beef jerky.
DinnerMighty turkey burgers (see recipe below).
Snack30g whey protein powder mixed with 100g low-fat Greek yogurt and 1 small sliced frozen banana.

Calories 2,482 Protein 238g Carbs 142g Fat 109g


Breakfast3 soft-boiled eggs with 1 slice of lightly buttered wholemeal toast and a small handful of nuts.
Snack1 apple and 30g peanut butter.
LunchTuna Niçoise salad (see recipe below).
Snack25g cashew nuts.
DinnerPower prawn curry (see recipe below).
Snack50g dark chocolate.

Calories 2,364 Protein 181g Carbs 203g Fat 92g


Breakfast4 scrambled eggs with ½ an avocado mashed on 1 slice of wholemeal toast and a handful of cherry tomatoes.
SnackImmunity-boosting smoothie. Blend 1 apple, 100g frozen berries, 1 large handful of spinach, 1 carrot, 10g clear honey, ½tsp of ginger and 100ml water.
LunchTuna melt. Toast 2 slices of wholemeal bread and grill 40g of cheese on one of the slices. Mix together 1 can of tuna, chopped spring onion and 2tbsp low-fat mayo, spread over the other slice, then put them together.
Snack30g whey protein powder mixed with 150g low-fat Greek yogurt and 1 handful of frozen grapes.
DinnerOne-pot pork stew. Fry some onions for a few minutes then add 250g of diced pork chops. Brown the meat, then add ½tsp of paprika and some mushrooms. Cook for a few more mins then add a big squeeze of tomato purée and 200ml veg stock. Simmer for 20 minutes, mix in 50g Greek yogurt and serve with 100g potatoes and broccoli.
Snack1 small bag of salted popcorn.

Calories 2,454 Protein 230g Carbs 161g Fat 99g


BreakfastChia seed power pot (see recipe below). 25g brazil nuts.
Snack1 apple and 30g peanut butter.
LunchRoast beef (approximately 250g), 200g roast potatoes, carrots, green beans, broccoli and gravy.
Snack20g cheddar cheese and a handful of grapes.
DinnerRoast beef sandwich made with 150g leftover beef from lunch, sliced red onion, rocket leaves, mustard and low-fat mayonnaise on slices of wholemeal bread.
Snack30g whey protein powder mixed with 150g low-fat Greek yogurt and 100g frozen berries.

Calories 2,394 Protein 197g Carbs 172g Fat 103g

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